Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dirty Carpet Water

Oh what do I do with dirty carpet-cleaning water??? I don't want to pour it down the sink, because it is full of dirty carpet fiber. I don't want to pour it on the lawn, because the carpet cleaning solution might kill it!

My daughter Jessica is busily cleaning my carpet with my new Bissell carpet cleaner that I purchased to save money on carpet cleaning and I am busily filling empty juice and liquor bottles with "dirty carpet-cleaning water" cause I don't know what to do with it! Of course I am paying her to clean it, but not nearly as much as hiring a professional! Last time I hired one, he charged me $250. They charge for pre-treating spots (and I had a lot!) Then they charge for any square footage over their specified amount that will cost "such & such". The carpet cleaning man then talked me into Scotch Guarding it which costs a small fortune and doesn't seem to have helped very much. So $250. for less than 1,000 sq. feet of carpeting. And I didn't even get my stairs and upstairs done.

That said, my daughter (and my Bissell) did a really good job. I may never hire a professional again!


  1. I asked Ted what he use to do with all our dirty carpet water from shampooing and he said he always tossed it on the lawn in the backyard. I asked if it ever hurt the grass and he said no.

  2. I saw my name on your website w/ the lemon bar recipe! :-) Thanks Woman, I am honored! :-)
